Yelmo 2003 "Unofficial Photographer" Hall of Fame

Juan Gamez  ::::::::  Txema Aguilar  ::::::::  Xavier Cazorla  ::::::::  Arturo Barcena  ::::::::  Vallelados Finest

Excellent photo by Txema Aguilar (, of the spanish Paragliding Forum.

Click on each photo to see an enlarged version. 

1. Txema took this photo from Orcera, 10 Km from El Yelmo, at 19:00 on the Saturady (5th July).

At this time there were still about 100 pilots on the takeoff, and almost another 100 stuck in the traffic to get to the top of the mountain.

I took off at 21:30 from a still packed takeoff and thanks to the "Magic Lift" I floated all over the valley till 22:30.

Juan Gamez  ::::::::  Txema Aguilar  ::::::::  Xavier Cazorla  ::::::::  Arturo Barcena  ::::::::  Vallelados Finest